Twenty years before the original Star Wars (A New Hope), the Galactic Republic is undergoing a major political crisis because of a dispute on commercial taxation. Under the pretext of solving the crisis, the greedy Trade Federation has besieged the small planet of Naboo with armies of combat droids and space battleships. Two Jedi Knights, master Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice, a very young Obi-Wan Kenobi, are sent by the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic to negotiate the end of the blockade with the Trade Federation's leaders. But little do the Jedi know that these events are only the beginning of a master plot by an ancient enemy to control the entire galaxy.
Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace is an action-adventure game based on the movie of the same name from 1999. Playing a number of characters from the movie -depending on which level you're on-, including Qui-Gon, Obi-Wan, Queen Amidala of Naboo, and Captain Panaka of the Royal Security Forces, you undertake quests and side-quests, solve puzzles, and use weapons to defeat enemies -including your lightsaber, the weapon of a Jedi Knight-. While the story of the game is faithful to that of the movie, additions and extensions to the plot have been made for the sake of gameplay, including a mission detailing Amidala and Panaka's attempts to reach the Senate Chamber on planet Coruscant.
System Requirements
OS: Windows 95, 98
CPU: Intel Pentium 200 MHz
RAM: 32 MB
Hard disk: 1 GB
GPU: Direct3D compatible, 4 MB of VRAM, DirectX 6.1 compatible
Repack Notes
- Patch v1.1
- Sagaras 2016 patch
- Optional widescreen support with dgVoodoo
If you choose to have the standard 4:3 aspect then the game will use DDrawCompat v0.5.1
Using the Sagaras configuration utility (launcher) you will have extra options to configure, however if you set the game screen resolution to anything higher than 1280 x 1024 the game character will be kinda cut off the bottom screen, so better set the max resolution to the above
WARNING: If you install the game to run at the standard 4:3 aspect ratio using DDrawCompat, the game might NOT run if you have background-running programs such as Bandicam!
- Added EAX support (has to be enabled in-game)
- 60FPS patch
- Tested OK on Windows 10 & XP
Download (830MB)
https://ouo .io/xaK175 (remove the space before .io)
Star_Wars_-_Episode_1_-_The_Phantom_Menace_Repack.rar - 5DE6CB593882B65BAE0E2D9A426EE148443F6FD644EB1B97CDE8F9F6A2EC21E9